Tuesday, June 21, 2011

#blogjune 22 Five books meme

I'm rather late at getting to this Five Books Meme that others have been doing since last week. But I had other things to say. Now I am on a roll and getting ahead of myself.

1. The book I’m currently reading: Book? I am currently actively reading three books and really always have a couple on the go. The current ones are: Dorothy L Sayers Lord Peter: the complete Lord Peter Wimsey stories, In tearing haste: letters between Deborah Devonshire and Patrick Leigh Fermor, edited by Charlotte Mosley, and Patrick Leigh Fermor A time to keep silence. The first book is my final book in my self-imposed reading-all-Wimsey-books challenge. The other two arose from the death of Paddy Leigh Fermor last week and my wanting to read his works.

2. The last book I finished: That would be Dorothy L Sayers In the teeth of the evidence, a collection of her short stories.

3. The next book I want to read: Anita Heiss Paris Dreaming as I articulated recently in another #blogjune.

4. The last book I bought: In tearing haste: letters between Deborah Devonshire and Patrick Leigh Fermor, edited by Charlotte Mosley (a quick 1-Click on Kindle means that I have been reading this in hard copy as well as on my iTouch and iPad).

5. The last book I was given: Niki Segnit The Flavour thesaurus which I was given for my birthday in May.

This meme is probably pretty boring to those of you who have been reading my #blogjune posts as I have already blogged about all of this books separately. I have linked to the other posts to give you my further comments.

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